David Leung
Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University
Published Papers:
Competition, Agglomeration, and Tenant Composition in Shopping Malls
with Peng Liu and Tingyu Zhou
Real Estate Economics. 2024 Mar;52(2):552-76.
Working Papers:
The Optimal Tax Progressivity and Household Heterogeneity
Accounting for Wealth Concentration in the US
with Barış Kaymak and Markus Poschke [draft] [slides]
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics (Conditional Acceptance)
What to tax? The macroeconomic and distributional effects of two progressive tax reforms
with Markus Poschke
Consumption Smoothing and Welfare Implications of Redistributive and Insurance Systems: The Case of Japan
with Charles Leung and Kazuto Sumita
The Failure of Department Stores
with Peng Liu and Tingyu Zhou
The Welfare Implications of Top Marginal Tax Reform in Taiwan
with Ming-Jen Lin and Xiao Yan Jiang
Assessing Tax Reforms in China: Balancing Household Consumption with
Pension Sustainability
with Zhaoyong Chen and Joseph Mai
Work in Progress:
Accounting for the Difference in Wealth Concentration Across Countries
with Markus Poschke